We just got our water bill for the month after the 5.6 earthquake. It says we used 73,000 gallons of water. Our normal usage (there are two of us) is about 2200 gallons per month. The house is only three years old, so everything is fairly new. No leaks that we are aware of, in fact the meter has gone back to our normal usage in the last couple of weeks.
CNN did a piece on high water bills and new radio read meters in several large cities. The meters were installed improperly in several different ways.
Our septic tank area is as dry as ever. 73,000 gallons would have caused soft wet ground.
Are there any other Bella Vista or Northwest Arkansas residents that have a high water bill starting after November 5, 2011. That is when we had the earthquakes.
Sounds like to me someone is most reading you meter. I moved here in 2014 and have been shocked at the high water bills that don't improve no matter what efforts we make to keep usage down. I got a couple of small leaks fixed, it went up. We started making a lot of effort to cut usage, it went up. Visitors aren't here, it goes up. My bill even went way up after complaining. There was no change to our usage, still trying to keep it down, and it's winter so we aren't even watering plants, but it shot up after I put a complaint note in with my bill. It is higher then ever even after the trash pick up fee has been separated from the water bill. I've had neighbors stop by to discuss the water bill which they said was really high. I am becoming convinced that there is something "fishy" going on. I've heard long time residents talk about bribery and corruption in Bella Vista and I'm starting to think there might be something corrupt going on with the water company. Someone must be profiting outlandishly from these exorbitant bills everyone is paying.